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Research Projects/Cooperations

Since 11.2014

Member of the international DFG network "Theory of Sculpture", UDK Berlin, headed by Prof. Dr. Martina Dobbe (Kunstakademie Düsseldorf) and Dr. Ursula Ströbele, cooperation partners: Dr. Barbara Engelbach (Museum Ludwig, Cologne), Dr. Martin Kirves (Berlin), Dr. Sandra Beate Reimann (Tinguely Museum, Basel) Prof. Dr. Guido Reuther (Kunstakademie Düsseldorf), Dr. Nina Schallenberg (Hamburger Bahnhof, Berlin)

Since 2012

Curator and member of the acquisition committee of The Lambrecht-Schadeberg Collection, Winners of the Rubens Prize of the City of Siegen, ‚Museum für Gegenwartskunst Siegen’


Completed research projects



Collaborator SARP (The Sámi Art Research Project, Norwegian Research Council), University of Tromsø, Norway. Direction: Prof. Dr. Svein Aamold

10/2009 – 01/2015

Head of the research group ‚Image and Ornament’ (funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation) (together with Dr. Vera Beyer, FU Berlin)


Co-head of the international research group ‚Ornament: Motiv – Modus – Bild’ (together with Dr. Vera Beyer, FU Berlin), Cooperation partners: Dr. Kristin Böse (University of Cologne), Prof. Dr. Martina Dobbe (Universität der Künste/ College of Fine Arts Berlin), Dr. Kathrin Müller (Goethe University Frankfurt), Dr. Maddalena Parise (EHESS Paris), Prof. Dr. Beate Söntgen (Leuphana University of Lüneburg), funding through the Swiss National Science Foundation and the DFG